Everything you need to know about a language trip abroad

A language trip abroad is a unique and effective way to improve your language skills while discovering a new country. During a language trip, you take a language course at a local language school in a foreign country. Because you're learning the language where it's spoken, you get fully immersed in both the language and the culture. Plus, it's a great combination of learning a language and enjoying your free time, exploring everything the country and its culture have to offer.

Language trips are becoming increasingly popular because they offer the chance not only to learn a language but also to make international friends and discover new cultures. Language trips are available for all levels and ages.

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Key points

  • A language trip abroad is a fun and effective way to improve your language skills.
  • During a language trip, you take a language course abroad and immerse yourself in the language and culture of the country.
  • Language trips offer diverse opportunities for all ages and levels.
  • They are popular for the chance to make international friends and discover new cultures.
  • A language trip abroad can be as short as one week.

What is a language trip and why is it a great option?

A language trip is an educational journey where you go abroad to take a language course. On a language trip, you have the opportunity to quickly improve your language skills since you're constantly hearing and speaking the language in an authentic setting. The lessons are given in the language you're learning, so you make progress rapidly. Whether you're just starting out or already have some knowledge, a language trip always offers a unique learning experience.

A language trip can vary in duration, from one week to a whole year. Taking a language course abroad is the most effective way to learn a language because you're surrounded by the language and culture of the country. This helps you pick up the language faster and understand subtle nuances and expressions better. In other words, it's a complete immersion in the language, constantly encouraging you to practice it in real-life situations.

And last but not least: a language trip is a fantastic opportunity to make international friends and discover new cultures. It's a unique experience that broadens your horizons and enriches your worldview.

Who are language trips for?

Language trips are for everyone who wants to improve their language skills and is interested in exploring other countries and cultures. Whether you want to learn a language for your studies or work, or purely out of passion and interest, there is always a language course that suits your needs.
A language course abroad is suitable for all levels. You can take a language course even if you have no prior knowledge of the language and are a beginner, as well as if you are already advanced and want to improve your proficiency in a specific language.

Moreover, language trips are suitable for all ages. Learning languages is not age-bound. You can choose language courses aimed at a specific age group, or opt for a general course where there is always a fun mix of ages.

Finally, whether you want to go for a week or take a gap year, there is always a language course that fits your needs and goals.

What types of language trips are there? 

Language courses can be categorized into several types: 

  • General language courses. 
  • Language courses for specific purposes, such as exam preparation courses or courses for specific fields of study. 
  • Language courses for specific target groups, like courses for those over 50 or for teenagers. 
  • Language courses aimed at improving a particular language skill, such as conversation courses.

General language courses 

A general language course focuses on all aspects of the language and is the most popular choice during a language trip. These courses aim to improve speaking skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Lessons are often interactive, actively engaging you in the language learning process. 

Specific language courses 

Specific language courses are tailored to achieve or improve a particular goal. This includes exam preparation courses, which equip you with the skills needed to pass a language exam, and courses for specific fields of study, such as tourism or business, among others. 

Language courses for specific target groups 

Courses designed for specific target groups ensure the curriculum is adapted to similar students. For example, there are language trips specifically for young people (under 18) or language courses abroad tailored for those over 50. These courses often come with a customized activities program that caters to the group's interests. Activities vary depending on the language school and season. 

Language courses to enhance a specific skill 

Finally, there are courses focused on enhancing a particular skill, such as grammar, vocabulary, or conversation. Some schools offer these as standalone courses, while others allow them to be added to the general language course. 

Nearly every language school also offers the option for private lessons. These lessons are completely tailored to your individual needs, allowing you to choose between taking a private language course or adding private lessons to another course during your language trip.

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Accommodation during your language trip

During your language trip abroad, you will need accommodation. Choosing the right accommodation is an important decision that should match your needs and preferences. You can book accommodation directly through Extralingo, or choose your own via booking websites like Booking.com and Airbnb. The accommodation options available through Extralingo depend on the language school you select and the specific options they offer.

What types of accommodation are available?

There are generally six types of accommodation you can book.

  • Host families: You stay with a local family that is specifically suited for this purpose.
  • Shared apartment: You stay in a room within a shared apartment, which you share with fellow students from your language school.
  • Student residence: You stay in a room within a residence. These accommodations are often shared with students from local colleges, universities, and language schools.
  • Language school residence: Some schools have their own residences, exclusively for students of the language school.
  • Private apartment or studio: You stay in your own apartment or studio, suitable for one or two people.
  • Hostel or hotel: The language school can sometimes help you book a room in a hotel or hostel.

Host families: immerse yourself in language and culture

Staying with a host family offers a unique opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the language and culture of the host country. You live with a local family, giving you the chance to experience local customs and traditions up close. This is an excellent way to improve your language skills and gain extensive cultural experience. Since you can practice the local language with your host family outside of class, this accommodation option significantly enhances your learning process. Additionally, host families often offer various meal plans: breakfast only, breakfast and dinner, or all three meals. The host family option is one of the most popular accommodation choices across all age groups.

Shared apartments: live with fellow students

If you want to spend a lot of time with other students, a shared apartment is a great option. You share an apartment with other international students, giving you the opportunity to meet new people. You have your own room in the apartment, and you share the kitchen and bathroom with the other residents. A shared apartment provides much more independence than a host family. Meals are not included, so you can cook for yourself in the kitchen or explore dining options in the city. Expect basic amenities; shared apartments are generally not luxurious to keep the costs reasonable. Alongside host families, shared apartments are the most popular accommodation option for language students aged 18-35.

Student residences: live among peers from various countries

Student residences are a popular choice among international students. Here, you live with students from colleges and universities, as well as your language school and sometimes other language schools. This accommodation is often more luxurious than a shared apartment, but usually more expensive as well. You’ll typically find these in larger cities.

Some schools also have their own residences, where you stay exclusively with students from the language school.

Private apartments: independence and privacy

If you prefer more independence and privacy during your language trip, you can opt for a private apartment or studio. Having your own apartment gives you more freedom to do as you wish. These apartments or studios come with a kitchen, allowing you to prepare your own meals or explore local cuisine in the city.

Choosing a private apartment or studio is often more expensive than a shared apartment, but it usually offers more comfort. Through Extralingo, many language schools can help you book a private apartment or assist you in finding a good option. You can also choose to book an apartment or studio yourself via platforms like Booking.com and Airbnb for complete control over your accommodation. This option is most popular among those over 50 or those seeking more privacy.

Hotel or hostel: book independently

For more comfort or budget-friendly options, you can also book a hotel or hostel. Some language schools can assist you with this. You can always contact a language school via Extralingo to discuss the possibilities. Of course, you can find many options on Booking.com or other websites. Naturally, a hotel is one of the most expensive accommodation options during your language trip, but it offers a lot of comfort. Conversely, a hostel is the most affordable option. Keep in mind that staying in a hostel for an extended period can be intense while attending a language course.

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Benefits of taking a language course abroad 

Taking a language course abroad provides several benefits: 

  • You experience true immersion in the language and culture, helping you learn the language more quickly and thoroughly while gaining an intimate understanding of the country. 
  • Hearing and speaking the language continuously outside of lessons improves comprehension. 
  • You can apply what you've learned in class during everyday activities, such as shopping or conversing with locals. It also offers the opportunity to form international friendships and discover new cultures. 
  • Besides learning the language, you also develop valuable social and cultural communication skills. 
  • Additionally, a language course abroad is an unforgettable experience that leaves lasting memories. 


A language trip abroad is an investment in both your language abilities and personal development. It's one of the best ways to learn a language thoroughly and quickly while also experiencing the country and its culture. 

With a variety of language trips available, there is a suitable language course for everyone. No matter who you are, how well you already speak the language, or what you aim to achieve, a language trip abroad is a unique experience that will expand your horizons. 

Start planning your language trip abroad today. Discover new destinations, enhance your language skills, and create unforgettable memories.

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Free language tests

We have developed several useful tests to help you get started. For example, you can test your current language level for free and calculate how long it will take you to learn a new language to achieve your goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a language trip?
A language trip is an educational journey where you travel abroad to take a language course. During a language trip, you attend classes at a language school and get immersed in the language and culture of the country. It’s a unique combination of learning a language and having free time to explore the country and its culture, as well as meeting new people.
What types of language trips are there?
There are various types of language trips available, such as general language courses where you learn all aspects of the language, exam preparation courses, or courses to improve a specific aspect of your language skills. There is always a course that fits your needs and goals.
Who are language trips for?
Language trips are for anyone who wants to improve their language skills and is interested in discovering other countries and cultures, regardless of age or current language proficiency.
What are the benefits of taking a language course abroad?
Taking a language course abroad offers several benefits. You learn to speak the language faster because you’re truly immersed in the language and culture, helping you understand nuances better. Additionally, it’s a unique experience to discover the country and make new friendships.
Where can I go on a language trip?
Language trips are offered to many different destinations. Popular destinations include Spain, France, Malta, Italy, and England.